This case study focuses on a local city council that aimed to enhance its digital portfolio and establish a stronger connection between strategy and execution. The council faced challenges related to tracking the progress of user stories and aligning their delivery framework with their chosen work management system.
The initiative owners within the city council encountered difficulties in monitoring the progress of underlying user stories. The existing work management system, referred to as the “current configuration,” did not adequately support the council’s delivery framework. Additionally, the council relied on multiple systems to track and manage their work, leading to inefficiencies and a lack of transparency.
To address these challenges, the council implemented a comprehensive solution focused on their work management system. They introduced a multi-level hierarchy within the system, along with necessary administration and configuration adjustments.
During the implementation process, the council eliminated unnecessary steps and optimised the workflows within their work management system, ensuring that only value-adding activities remained. Each stage of the council’s delivery framework was accurately represented within the system, enabling end-to-end tracking of work. This included linking the funding of business cases to the release of user stories. Additionally, initiative owners were empowered to create road maps using the system’s advanced features, facilitating visual representation and planning of their initiatives.
The implementation of the solution resulted in the work management system becoming the central source of truth for the council’s work management. Work transparency significantly increased, allowing stakeholders to easily track the progress of initiatives. Initiative owners gained the ability to independently track their work, enhancing their visibility and control over their initiatives.
In conclusion, the local city council successfully addressed the challenges related to work management by streamlining their processes through the implementation of a well-configured work management system. By optimising workflows, aligning with their delivery framework, and providing comprehensive tracking capabilities, the council achieved increased transparency, enhanced initiative tracking, and improved overall work management efficiency. This case study demonstrates the benefits of leveraging a centralised system to connect strategy with execution, supporting the growth and operational effectiveness of a local city council.